• Jay Lynch

Jay Lynch

Dean Haspiel, who drew Mo and Jo, used to read Fantastic Four and Shazam! when he was a kid. He admits that he used to fight with his brother all the time, too: "All siblings have a healthy rivalry, and so did we." Dean has illustrated Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon's The Escapist and drawn superheroes for Marvel and DC Comics. He has created his own comic character, Billy Dogma, and is the founder of the webcomic collective ACT-I-VATE. If he could have any superpower, he'd like to fly, "because that would just be cool!"

Jay Lynch, who wrote Mo and Jo's story, loved to read funny superhero comics like Plastic Man when he was a kid. When he wasn't reading comic books, he would draw his own cartoon characters on the sidewalk in front of his house--then hide in the bushes to hear what other kids had to say about his drawings! Jay grew up to become a legendary cartoonist and has helped create many popular humor products, including Wacky Packages and Garbage Pail Kids. If he could have any superpower, he'd like to know what color something is just by touching it.

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Otto's Orange Day (Toon Books Level 3)
Otto's Orange Day (Toon Books Level 3)
Mo and Jo Fighting Together Forever (Toon Books Level 3)
Mo and Jo Fighting Together Forever (Toon Books Level 3)