• Kim Chaffee

Kim Chaffee

Kim Chaffee was in seventh grade when she first played soccer and quickly realized she was better at hand-eye coordinated sports than foot-eye ones. She's always admired the physical and mental toughness of those that play the game at all levels, especially Abby Wambach. Today, Kim carries her courage in her climbing shoes as she learns the new skill of rock climbing. Kim is the author of Her Fearless Run: Kathrine Switzer's Historic Boston Marathon and Nothing Wee About Me! (both Page Street Kids) and lives with her family in New Hampshire.

Alexandra Badiu Is a children's book illustrator and visual developer for animation. She grew up in a family of athletes and played soccer herself in elementary school. Having seen her brother struggle with a similar leg injury, she especially sympathizes with the long, hard recovery in Abby's story. Herself, she sees the importance of patience when firing pottery and helping plants grow. Alexandra lives in Izmir, Turkey.

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Courage in Her Cleats: The Story of Soccer Star Abby Wambach
Courage in Her Cleats: The Story of Soccer Star Abby Wambach
Her Fearless Run: Kathrine Switzer's Historic Boston Marathon
Her Fearless Run: Kathrine Switzer's Historic Boston Marathon