KAREL JAN KOSMAN, a Coloradan since 1980, was born in Prague at the heart of Bohemia, the ancient homeland of the Celtic Boii. Growing up under a Soviets-imposed regime, Karel turned to independent thinkers like Jonathan Swift, Franz Kafka, Karel Capek, Stanislaw Lem... Those giants of social science fiction wrote to put their worlds before a mirror, to open the minds of their contemporaries. #TheTwin, composed over the past three years, humbly attempts the same. Karel with his wife left Prague in 1968 to begin a new life in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. Work had taken them to Montreal, Quebec, Palo Alto, California, and eventually Boulder, Colorado. In 1991, Karel was contracted by the US AID to help restore ethical private enterprise in then Czechoslovakia. The work accomplished over twenty years of flying back and forth, the family resettled in their Rocky Mountains home in 2011. Karel, holding an amateur radio license KD0RFQ, is a member of the Mountain Emergency Radio Network and serves as a Sheriff's Volunteer. He received a Certificate of Recognition for his life-saving efforts during the 2013 Colorado flood. Karel has a Masters of Engineering Degree from the Czech Technical University and a spatial IQ=172 confirmed by the Four Sigma Society - God's gift of imagination.