• Dan Gutman

Dan Gutman

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My Weird School: Teamwork Trouble (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
My Weird School: Teamwork Trouble (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
My Weird School: Jokes, Games, and Puzzles (My Weird School Special)
My Weird School: Jokes, Games, and Puzzles (My Weird School Special)
My Weird School Fast Facts: Explorers, Presidents, and Toilets (My Weird School Fast Facts)
My Weird School Fast Facts: Explorers, Presidents, and Toilets (My Weird School Fast Facts)
Rappy Goes to the Supermarket (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
Rappy Goes to the Supermarket (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
Rappy Goes to the Library (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
Rappy Goes to the Library (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
My Weird School: Class Pet Mess! (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
My Weird School: Class Pet Mess! (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
My Weird School Fast Facts: Space, Humans, and Farts (My Weird School Fast Facts)
My Weird School Fast Facts: Space, Humans, and Farts (My Weird School Fast Facts)
My Weird School Fast Facts: Sports (My Weird School Fast Facts)
My Weird School Fast Facts: Sports (My Weird School Fast Facts)
My Weird School Fast Facts: Geography (My Weird School Fast Facts)
My Weird School Fast Facts: Geography (My Weird School Fast Facts)
My Weird School Goes to the Museum (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
My Weird School Goes to the Museum (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
My Weird School: Talent Show Mix-Up (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
My Weird School: Talent Show Mix-Up (I Can Read! Level 2: Reading With Help)
Willie & Me (Baseball Card Adventures #5)
Willie & Me (Baseball Card Adventures #5)
Back to School, Weird Kids Rule! (My Weird School Special)
Back to School, Weird Kids Rule! (My Weird School Special)
Bunny Double, We're in Trouble! (My Weird School Special)
Bunny Double, We're in Trouble! (My Weird School Special)
Oh, Valentine, We've Lost Our Minds! (My Weird School Special)
Oh, Valentine, We've Lost Our Minds! (My Weird School Special)
It's Halloween, I'm Turning Green! (My Weird School Special)
It's Halloween, I'm Turning Green! (My Weird School Special)
Deck the Halls, We're Off the Walls! (My Weird School Special)
Deck the Halls, We're Off the Walls! (My Weird School Special)
Ray & Me (Baseball Card Adventures #10)
Ray & Me (Baseball Card Adventures #10)
Satch & Me (Baseball Card Adventures #7)
Satch & Me (Baseball Card Adventures #7)
Abner & Me (Baseball Card Adventures)
Abner & Me (Baseball Card Adventures)
The Million Dollar Shot
The Million Dollar Shot
Honus & Me (Baseball Card Adventures #1)
Honus & Me (Baseball Card Adventures #1)
The Lincoln Project (Flashback Four #1)
The Lincoln Project (Flashback Four #1)
Mr. Cooper Is Super! (My Weirdest School #1)
Mr. Cooper Is Super! (My Weirdest School #1)