• Marisa Montes

Marisa Montes

Marisa Montes was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and moved several times with her family throughout the rest of her childhood. At the age of four, her family moved to Missouri, then Toul, France when she was seven and eventually to California when she turned ten. It was in France, however, that Montes first discovered her love for literature and writing. There, she had no access to American television, so instead found entertainment through books. Literature made quite an impact on her, because as she explains, "Books are now my life."
Montes was educated at University of California - Santa Cruz and then continued on in law school at University of California - Hastings College of Law. She practiced law for a few years, moved into legal publishing and then finally became a full time children's writer. Her diverse background has enabled her to write in a variety of genres, in several languages. She has written two mystery novels, Something Wicked's In Those Woods, A Circle of Time and two picture books, Juan Bobo Goes To Work and Egg-Napped! Her books have won several awards, including the 2003 WILLA Literary Award.
Her most recent project is the series Get Ready for Gabi!, published by Scholastic Inc. Illustrated by Joseph Cepeda, the series includes A Crazy Mixed Up Spanglish Day, Who's That Girl?, No More Spanish!, Please Don't Go! and All in the Familia. This series, praised as realistic fiction, demonstrates to children the wonders of bilingualism. Gabi is a funny, spunky Latin American protagonist that provides inspiration to children.
Marisa Montes currently lives in Northern California with her husband David.

Mr Cepeda received his BFA in illustration from California State University, Long Beach in 1992 and also studied Engineering at Cornell University. He is the illustrator of awarding-winning picture books such as What a Truly Cool World and Nappy Hair.

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Juan Bobo Goes to Work: A Puerto Rican Folk Tale
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