• Eric Suben

Eric Suben

JACOB (1785-1863) and WILHELM GRIMM (1786-1859) were German academics, cultural researchers, lexicographers, and authors who together collected and published folklore during the 19th century. They popularized stories such as "Cinderella," "The Frog Prince," "The Goose-Girl," "Hansel and Gretel," "Rumpelstiltskin," "Sleeping Beauty," and "Snow White." Their first collection of folk tales, Children's and Household Tales, was published in 1812.

ERIC SUBEN is an attorney in New York as well as a prolific author of children's books and "how to" books on writing.

ANNIE WON received an MFA from the School of Visual Arts, in New York City. She is the illustrator of the picture book In the Quiet, Noisy Woods and two titles for Little Golden Books: The Elves and the Shoemaker and Margaret Wise Brown's The Whispering Rabbit. Learn about her work at anniewon.com.

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The Elves and the Shoemaker (Little Golden Books)
The Elves and the Shoemaker (Little Golden Books)