• Helena Dahlgren

Helena Dahlgren

Star Stable Online is an immersive adventure game and a social platform for girls, where they can come together and share an amazing experience full of magic, adventure, and mystery. Joining the Soul Riders in their epic quest to protect the island of Jorvik from the forces of darkness, players explore a fantastic world on horseback together with their friends. Star Stable Online is available in 14 languages and has an engaged community of players from all over the world. The game is developed by Star Stable Entertainment, a Swedish company founded in 2011. Besides Star Stable Online, they create apps, music and stories for girls of all ages. Find out more and help protect the magical island of Jorvik at www.starstable.com.

Helena Dahlgren began writing stories at the age of five and never stopped. She has a BA in English and Literature from Stockholm University, co-ran Sweden's most popular book blog for three years and now works full time as a writer and literary translator. She has written both fiction and non-fiction, mainly fantasy and horror, for young and adult readers alike. A mother of twin daughters and proud cat owner, Helena divides her time between Stockholm and a tiny village in northern Sweden. Her obsessions include books, horses, coffee, scary movies, and old TV shows from the 90's.

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Soul Riders, Volume 3: Darkness Falling
Soul Riders, Volume 3: Darkness Falling
Jorvik Calling (Soul Riders #1)
Jorvik Calling (Soul Riders #1)
The Legend Awakens (Soul Riders #2)
The Legend Awakens (Soul Riders #2)