• Lynne Cox

Lynne Cox

LYNNE COX is a legendary long-distance, open-water swimmer; the author of several books for adults, including South with the Sun, Grayson (a New York Times bestseller), and Swimming to Antarctica (a New York Times bestseller); and a contributor to the New Yorker. She has set records for swimming all around the world, and in 2000 she was inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame. Lynne first learned of Elizabeth's story when she traveled to New Zealand to swim across three lakes near Mount Cook. This is her first children's book.

BRIAN FLOCA is the Caldecott Medal-winning author/illustrator of Locomotive, which was also a Sibert Honor Book. He has written and illustrated many award-winning books for children, including Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11, a Sibert Honor Book and a New York Times Best Illustrated Book; Lightship, a Sibert Honor Book and a Booklist Top of the List; and The Racecar Alphabet, an ALA Notable Book and a Kirkus Reviews Editors' Choice. He is also the illustrator of Ballet for Martha: Making Appalachian Spring by Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan, a Sibert Honor Book and winner of the NCTE Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children.

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