• Kathy Ceceri

Kathy Ceceri

Kathy Ceceri is a STEAM educator and the award-winning author of more than a dozen books of hands-on learning activities for kids and adults, including Robotics: Discover the Science and Technology of the Future and Video Games: Design and Code Your Own Adventure from Nomad Press. Kathy presents low-tech/no-tech engineering workshops for students and teachers at schools, libraries, museums, and makerspaces, and is a popular speaker at Maker Faires around the country. Her other titles include Paper Inventions, Fabric and Fiber Inventions, and Making Simple Robots. Formerly the Homeschooling Expert for About.com, Kathy has two sons, a video game programmer and a filmmaker. Kathy lives in Schuylerville, New York.

Lena H. Chandhok earned her degree from the Center for Cartoon Studies in 2011. Her work has been featured in Slate Magazine and in various anthologies. Lena currently lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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Bots! Robotics Engineering: With Hands-On Makerspace Activities
Bots! Robotics Engineering: With Hands-On Makerspace Activities