• Scott Allen

Scott Allen

Scott Allen is a children's author and former sports journalist who will happily watch tae kwon do way past his bedtime. It has taken him more than forty years to discover that he is only good at sports that involve water -- swimming, water polo, Octopush, and diving from the side of the pool. He's average at everything else, which is why he writes about sports instead of competing. Scott Allen lives in the U.K. with his wife, two children, and a cat.

Antoine Corbineau has worked with major brands, newspapers, and advertising agencies worldwide. He uses a range of mediums and techniques to create beautifully busy patchworks of texture, imagery, and creative typography. After living in Strasbourg, London, New York, and Paris, Antoine Corbineau now lives and works in Nantes, France.

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On Your Mark, Get Set, Gold!
On Your Mark, Get Set, Gold!