• Sara Levine

Sara Levine

Sara Levine is a veterinarian, an educator, and an award-winning author of science-focused picture books, including Bone by Bone: Comparing Animal Skeletons, A Peek at Beaks: Tools Birds Use, and The Animals Would Not Sleep!. A Terrible Place for a Nest was inspired by a couple mourning doves who did, in fact, build their nest in an inconvenient location. Sara and her daughter have had to move more times than they would have liked in recent years and are currently settling into a new nest in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Erika Meza
grew up in Mexico and moved houses more often than she had birthdays. Having studied illustration in Paris, she now lives in London--her thirty-sixth address--where she paints, writes her own stories, and practices her uncanny ability to pack efficiently. Erika loves exploring, learning about many different places and cultures, and finding joy in the people who allow you to be yourself.

Refine Your Results
Los Animales No Se Dormian (Storytelling Math Bilingual English/Spanish)
Los Animales No Se Dormian (Storytelling Math Bilingual English/Spanish)
The Animals Would Not Sleep! (Storytelling Math)
The Animals Would Not Sleep! (Storytelling Math)
A Terrible Place for a Nest
A Terrible Place for a Nest
Poop for Breakfast: Why Some Animals Eat It
Poop for Breakfast: Why Some Animals Eat It