• Rosemary Mosco

Rosemary Mosco

ROSEMARY MOSCO makes books, articles, cartoons and graphics that connect people with the natural world. Her nature comics were the subject of an award-winning museum exhibit and are collected in a book that was a 2019 ALA Great Graphic Novel for Teens. She co-wrote the New York Times bestseller The Atlas Obscura Explorer's Guide for the World's Most Adventurous Kid. She speaks at birding festivals and nature centers and writes for Audubon.

JACOB SOUVA has a beautiful wife, two amazing sons and resides in a small countryside community in upstate New York. He loves to make kids laugh and think with his illustrations. Jacob sketches constantly and finishes his work digitally, placing a lot of emphasis on simple shapes, color and lots and lots of texture. Jacob has illustrated several picture books including The Boy with Big, Big Feelings and Pedro's Pan.

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Solar System: Our Place in Space (Science Comics)
Solar System: Our Place in Space (Science Comics)
There Are No Ants in This Book
There Are No Ants in This Book
Flowers Are Pretty ... Weird! (Nature's Top Secrets)
Flowers Are Pretty ... Weird! (Nature's Top Secrets)
Expedition Backyard: Exploring Nature from Country to City (A Graphic Novel)
Expedition Backyard: Exploring Nature from Country to City (A Graphic Novel)