• Nancy Raines Day

Nancy Raines Day

Nancy Raines Day loves sharing the wonders of the natural world with children through her picture books, which include Way Down Below Deep and Piecing Earth and Sky Together. She is also the author of Pirate Jack Gets Dressed. She lives on St. Simons Island in Georgia. Visit her at NancyRainesDay.com.

Allison Black is an illustrator and designer specializing in cute and colorful creations. Over the years Allison has developed an array of products, from Christmas ornaments to baby bedding, and has illustrated over 25 children's books. No matter what she's creating, Allison always brings a little flair to each project with her bold illustration style, thoughtful design, and fanciful critters. Allison lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her husband, kids, and a menagerie of furry family members.

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Pirate Jack Gets Dressed
Pirate Jack Gets Dressed