• Avianna Marie Jones

Avianna Marie Jones

Dr. Avianna Jones is following her bliss in the beautiful mountain community of Idyllwild, California, with her roommates - a happy, bouncy American Lab and 6 cage-free parrots. And she still shovels her own snow. Trained in psychology, she is has experienced its many flavors, including private practice, community mental health, university teaching, and curriculum development for elementary schools. Her last gig was in the academic area, supervising dissertation research and coaching students to the finish line. And then one day a voice said, "You need to help the environment by producing videos on endangered species." And she did. She learned all aspects of production and formed Swallow Creek Productions. Living her dream, she produced an award-winning documentary on the efforts to save the Catalina Island Fox. Happy ending: the foxes are now thriving and are no longer on the endangered species list. And then one day her friend, Science of Mind minister, Rev. Doug Yagaloff, asked her to be part of his dream: the development of a curriculum for Science of Mind Sunday Schools and families. She said yes, of course, and the two began a grand adventure together as a labor of love for both of them. In 2012, the first of a series of four books was completed and launched at Asilomar and pilot tested. The feedback was more than encouraging. Rev. Yagaloff's dream was coming true. Sadly, Rev. Yagaloff made his transition to spirit in 2013. Their project had ended, or so it seemed. In 2016, Dr. Jones heard the voice again. It was pretty clear. "Get the book out there." And so it is. Avianna is so pleased to be part the fulfillment of her friend's dream - to share Science of Mind principles with kids so they can become the beautiful, happy, whole and complete beings they were born to be. And she can't wait to hear what the voice says next!
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