Kelli Dunham, RN, BSN, is a nurse, stand-up comic, and author of How to Survive and Maybe Even Love Nursing School, How to Survive and Maybe Even Love Your Life as a Nurse, and The Boy's Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up You, also published by Applesauce Press. She has worked as a primary care and home visiting nurse with first-time new moms. She has lived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Ohio, Oklahoma, Florida, Portland, Oregon, New York, and on a houseboat in Philadelphia. In her spare time she likes to read, skateboard, and she would really, really like to learn to play the banjo. Steve has illustrated over 100 picture books for children, as well as doing advertising, editorial and packaging illustration. He works with his brother doing greeting cards for Recycled Paper Greetings. To date, well over one hundred million cards with his art have sold around the world.