• Beth Kephart

Beth Kephart

Beth Kephart is the award-winning author of two dozen books, a teacher of writing at the University of Pennsylvania, and a co-founder of Juncture Workshops. Her essays, reviews, and interviews appear in publications ranging from the New York Times and Washington Post to LitHub, LARB, Catapult, Salon, Brevity, and The Millions. She lives outside of Philadelphia.

Alexander de Wit is an entrepreneur, investor and advisor. A Dutch national, he lives in Belgium and works out of Brussels, London, New York, and Singapore. Alexander has founded many successful companies, including The Little Gym Europe, a market leader in child development programs with franchises in Europe and the Middle East. His passion, and the common denominator to his many pursuits and activities, is to help people develop their potential. Married and the father of three children, Alexander enjoys discovering the world as a family, practicing alpine and water skiing, and acrobatic trapeze. I Can Do That! is his first picture book. de Wit lives in Belgium.

William Sulit is an award-winning illustrator, ceramicist, and designer. Born in El Salvador, he studied design at North Carolina State University and received his Masters of Architecture degree from Yale University. After working as an architect, a graphic designer, and a photographer, he has turned his attention to ceramics and illustration as his primary means of artistic expression. He is the co-founder of Juncture Workshops and he collaborates with his wife, Beth, in life, business, and art. He lives outside of Philadelphia.

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Trini's Big Leap