• G M Berrow

G M Berrow

G.M. (Gillian) Berrow is a writer and television industry professional. She has ghostwritten young adult novels based on the show Glee (under the name Sophia Lowell), and in conjunction with leading cheerleading brand, Varsity (under the name Melanie Spring). She is also the author of many My Little Pony chapter books and middle grade novels, including the beloved in-world book series, the Daring Do Adventures. She loves writing about ponies, playing with her miniature poodle, and making puns.
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The Spring Filly! (Spirit Riding Free #2)
The Spring Filly! (Spirit Riding Free #2)
Rainbow Dash's Double Dare (My Little Pony)
Rainbow Dash's Double Dare (My Little Pony)
Apple Adventure! (Spirit Riding Free #1)
Apple Adventure! (Spirit Riding Free #1)
Twilight Sparkle's Spell (My Little Pony)
Twilight Sparkle's Spell (My Little Pony)