• Amitha Jagannath Knight

Amitha Jagannath Knight

Amitha Jagannath Knight has lots of experience with sister squabbles, as she grew up with an identical twin. (They are still best friends.) Amitha lives in Massachusetts with her husband, two children, and two cats. This is her debut book.

Amitha Hannath Knight tiene mucha experiencia con los pleitos entre hermanas ya que creció con una hermana gemela. (Aun así son mejores amigas.) Amitha vive en Massachusetts con su esposo, sus dos hijos y dos gatos. Este es su primer libro.

Sandhya Prabhat is an independent animator and illustrator from India. She has published nearly a dozen picture books. She also animates videos and designs e-stickers.

Sandhya Prabhat es una animadora e ilustradora independiente de India. Ha publicado aproximadamente una docena de libros ilustrados. Además, anima vídeos y diseña pegatinas electrónicas. www.sandhyaprabhat.com

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Usha and the Big Digger (Storytelling Math)
Usha and the Big Digger (Storytelling Math)
Usha Y La Gran Excavadora (Storytelling Math Bilingual English/Spanish)
Usha Y La Gran Excavadora (Storytelling Math Bilingual English/Spanish)