• Cynthia Weill

Cynthia Weill

Cynthia Weill's fascination with the crafts of Oaxaca began while she was working in Mexico as a Fulbright exchange teacher. She has published several books in the First Concepts in Mexican Folk Art series, which features different folk art of Oaxaca. Many of the figures showcased in this series are now part of the permanent Mesoamerican Anthropology collections at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois. Cindy lives in New York City and online at cynthiaweill.net.

The Aguilar Sisters -- Guillermina, Josefina, Irene, and Concepción --are Mexico's most beloved folk art artisans. They learned how to make clay figurines from their mother, and their humorous ceramics of the people of their town and state are in museum collections around the world. The sisters have been visited by the late Queen Elizabeth of England, the former Queen Sofía of Spain, and various Mexican presidents.

Refine Your Results
Vámonos: Mexican Folk Art Transport (First Concepts in Mexican Folk Art Bilingual English/Spanish)
Vámonos: Mexican Folk Art Transport (First Concepts in Mexican Folk Art Bilingual English/Spanish)
Animal Talk: Mexican Folk Art Animal Sounds in English and Spanish (Bilingual English and Spanish)
Animal Talk: Mexican Folk Art Animal Sounds in English and Spanish (Bilingual English and Spanish)
Count Me In!: A Parade of Mexican Folk Art Numbers in English and Spanish (Bilingual English & Spanish)
Count Me In!: A Parade of Mexican Folk Art Numbers in English and Spanish (Bilingual English & Spanish)
Colores de la Vida: Mexican Folk Art Colors in English and Spanish (Bilingual Spanish & English)
Colores de la Vida: Mexican Folk Art Colors in English and Spanish (Bilingual Spanish & English)
Mi Familia Calaca: My Skeleton Family (Bilingual English/Spanish)
Mi Familia Calaca: My Skeleton Family (Bilingual English/Spanish)