• Ann Hazzard

Ann Hazzard

Ann Hazzard, PhD, ABPP, Marianne Celano, PhD, ABPP, and Marietta Collins, PhD, worked together for over two decades as Emory University School of Medicine faculty members, serving children and families in Atlanta. All three psychologists have been involved in community advocacy efforts focused on children's behavioral health and social justice. Dr. Celano and Dr. Hazzard have developed and utilized therapeutic stories in individual and group therapy with children and teens. Dr. Collins is a faculty member at Morehouse School of Medicine, providing psychological services to underserved adults, youth, and families.

Keith Henry Brown is an artist and illustrator who has drawn comics for Marvel as well as created watercolor paintings for greeting cards, newspapers, magazines, books, and album covers. He lives in Brooklyn, NY. Visit keithhbrown.com and @iamtheleopard on Instagram.

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Something Happened in Our Park: Standing Together After Gun Violence
Something Happened in Our Park: Standing Together After Gun Violence