Celebrate National Unicorn Day on April 9, 2022
Stories about unicorns are amazing, but there’s more! Kitty-corns, nerdy-corns, bestie-corns and mermi-corns, alien unicorns, imposter unicorns, and even some unicorns who don’t seem, at first glance, very unicorny. Check out these fun books featuring exceptional, adorable characters learning to be true to their inner unicorns.

Invasion of the Unicorns by David Biedrzycki

Pretty Perfect Kitty-Corn (Kitty-Corn) by Shannon Hale

Nerdycorn by Andrew Root

Unicorn Night (Unicorn Day #2) by Diana Murray

First Day of Unicorn School by Jess (Fink) Hernandez

Sniffles and Surprises (Mermicorns #4) by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen

Wish Upon a Shark (Mermicorn Island #4) by Jason June

Once Upon a Unicorn's Horn (Once Upon... #1) by Beatrice Blue

Not Quite Narwhal (Not Quite Narwahl #1) by Jessie Sima

Perfectly Pegasus (Not Quite Narwhal #2) by Jessie Sima

Why Can't We Be Bestie-Corns? (Kevin the Unicorn) by Jessika Von Innerebner