Inspire Your Heart With Art Day is January 31, 2023!
For some of his most iconic paintings, including celebrity portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor, Andy Warhol used photographs to create silkscreen “stencils,” pushing ink through the silkscreens and layering it on top of images he had already traced and painted by hand. For his Campbell’s Soup Cans, he used a slightly different technique, tracing the images using a projector and filling in the outlines using paint and brushes. To celebrate Inspire Your Heart With Art Day 2023, check out the books below to learn how Warhol and other artists created works of art that inspire our hearts.

Art Is Everywhere: A Book about Andy Warhol by Jeff Mack

Holding Her Own: The Exceptional Life of Jackie Ormes by Traci N Todd

Shapes, Lines, and Light: My Grandfather's American Journey by Katie Yamasaki

Beautiful Useful Things: What William Morris Made by Beth Kephart

Gaudi - Architect of Imagination by Susan B Katz

Ablaze with Color: A Story of Painter Alma Thomas by Jeanne Walker Harvey

Bottle Tops: The Art of El Anatsui by Alison Goldberg

Georgia O'Keeffe: She Saw the World in a Flower (What the Artist Saw) by Gabrielle Balkan

Frida Kahlo (Great Lives in Graphics) by Button Books

Madame Alexander: The Creator of the Iconic American Doll by Susan Goldman Rubin

You Gotta Meet Mr. Pierce!: The Storied Life of Folk Artist Elijah Pierce by Chiquita Mullins Lee

Drawing on Walls: A Story of Keith Haring by Matthew Burgess