January 15 is National Hat Day!
Hats have been worn for thousands of years. In fact, Egyptian artwork from 3200 BC depicts a man wearing a straw hat! Hats can be practical – keeping people comfortable in the sun or rain. They can also be purely decorative, like the tiny “doll hats” worn atop huge wigs in the 18th century, and the “fascinators” still worn for special occasions today. For some fun stories featuring hats, check out the books below:
We Will Find Your Hat!: A Conundrum! (Archie & Reddie #2)
by Candy James
Giving Back Crochet - Jonah Larson
by Jonah Larson
Kat Hats
by Daniel Manus Pinkwater
Hip, Hip . . . Beret! (Touch-And-Feel Storybook)
by Melanie Ellsworth
Tornado Slim and the Magic Cowboy Hat
by Bryan Langdo
Happy Birthday, Madame Chapeau
by Andrea Beaty
Caps for Sale (Caps for Sale #1)
by Esphyr Slobodkina
A Hat for Mrs. Goldman: A Story About Knitting and Love
by Michelle Edwards
Hats Off to You! (Shoe-La-La! #2)
by Karen Beaumont
Old Hat
by Emily Gravett
Hats of Faith
by Medeia Cohan
Whose Hat Is This? (Whose Is It?)
by Sharon Katz Cooper
Orangutan Hats and Other Tools Animals Use
by Richard Haynes
Blue Hat, Green Hat (Boynton on Board)
by Sandra Boynton
Bruno's Hat
by Canizales