Jazzy’s National I Love Horses Day 2023 Bookshelf
Celebrate National I Love Horses Day on July 15, 2023, with these wonderful horse stories.

Magic and Mischief (Spellbound Ponies #1) by Stacy Gregg

Bea and the New Deal Horse by L M Elliott

Snow Foal by Susanna Bailey

The Wild One (Phantom Stallion #1) by Terri Farley

The Naysayers (Guardians of Horsa #2) by Roan Black

I Cannot Draw a Horse (I Cannot Draw #1) by Charise Mericle Harper

Noni the Pony Counts to a Million (Noni the Pony) by Alison Lester

Snow Horses: A First Night Story by Patricia MacLachlan

Horse & Buggy on Ice (Horse & Buggy) by Ethan Long

No Place Like Home (Horse Country #4) by Yamile Saied Méndez

5-Minute Horse Stories (5-Minute Stories) by Disney Books

Stupendously Samson (Horsetail Hollow #4) by Kiki Thorpe

She Holds Up the Stars by Sandra Laronde

Ride on by Faith Erin Hicks