Mary Anne got into a fight with her club that her club mate told her don't be a cry baby She got angry and called them names she called them mean stuff. First they do Rude faces to Mary Anne. Next she took her stuff and was crying and ran down the stairs Mary Anne told them i don't care if i don't see you again. Then a few more days ago Dawn sat with her while Dawn is at Mary Anne's house she was doing mean faces to Kristy and dawn saw it while Mary Anne put her arm all a way to dawn shoulder and told Mary Anne what she is doing and Dawn get mad thinks that Mary Anne is mean she was sorry to dawn she told is good to be sorry. Last Mary Anne was taking care of Jenny Jenny has a high fever after that Mary Anne told the club she is sorry and invited dawn to the club after dawn told her story.
''Mary Anne saves the day'' Is great because she had friends, but then they argued so Mary Anne gave notes to her friends and said sorry and they became friends and that's how Mary Anne saved the day this book was great.