In a hopeful story about animal rehabilitation in Australia, an orphaned koala joey is rescued and taken to the Koala Hospital. Author Rose and journalist/filmmaker Kelly chronicle Jimmy's time at the center, where he is fed special formula, sleeps "in a laundry basket filled with soft blankets," and is weighed and measured each week. Photographs (bordered by aboriginal patterns) keep Jimmy front and center as he clutches a volunteer's leg, munches on eucalyptus leaves (they make him "smell like mint candy") and slowly grows accustomed to the hospital trees, where he climbs with other koala residents. An endnote from Kelly describes her research into koalas, the threats facing their populations, and the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, where Jimmy and koalas like him have received care. Ages 4-8. (July)
Copyright 2013 Publishers Weekly, LLC Used with permission.Gr 1-4--Irresistibly adorable photographs and a clear, lively text capture the charming story of an orphaned koala infant taken in and raised by a remarkable rescue team at an Australian koala hospital until he was ready for reintroduction to his natural habitat. Sadly, readers are informed, koalas are finding those habitats dwindling, as eucalyptus forests are increasingly being toppled to make way for homes and roads. It was a traffic mishap, in fact, that took the life of Jimmy's mother. This incident is presented in a nonfrightening way for a young audience who should be heartened by the sight of a "koala ambulance" rushing the new orphan to the hospital. Eventually, with the help of expert hospital workers and the loving, home-based care of a devoted volunteer, Jimmy was strong enough to return to the forest. Young readers will be captivated by his tale and cheer for him and his new loving family. The book's attractive design heightens the Australian setting. An endnote explains that the pages' bright background colors reflect those found on the bark of certain eucalyptus trees, and the photo borders include traditional Aboriginal designs. Helpful features include a map of Australia depicting the koala's range; facts about koalas; notes from the photographer; where one may see koalas in the U.S. and around the world; and ways readers can help these animals. This is a terrific choice for libraries and can be paired with other books about wildlife rescues.--Carol Goldman, Queens Library, NY
Copyright 2013 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.