Gr 5-7 This entry in an exemplary series follows prominent astronomer Alex Filippenko and associates from the Keck Observatory in Hawaii to the Lick Observatory in California on a hunt for supernovae and related large-scale astronomical phenomena. Though portraying astronomers in action isn't easy-mostly they sit and stare at screens the charismatic Filippenko does his best, pouring sand through his fingers to hint at the numbers of stars in one of Bishop's bright color photos and dressing up as a Black Hole in another. Along with depicting the scientists, the images also include massive telescopes and photos or digital simulations of galaxies, exploding stars, and other astronomical phenomena. Gray mottled backgrounds give the blocks of text a smudged look, but that won't diminish the sense of adventure that readers will feel as they join a team of researchers on science's biggest frontier. Multimedia resource lists are appended.--John Peters, New York Public Library
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