In this third installment in the Lost series, a teenager is the sole survivor of a plane crash that leaves her stranded deep in the dangerous Peruvian jungle. What will it take to make it out alive?
Tod Olson is the author of the Lost series, the How to Get Rich historical fiction series, and numerous books for the school/library and classroom markets. He has written for national magazines on the Columbine school shooting, homeless teens, the murder of Matthew Shepard, and many other stories of interest to children and young adults. During his 25 years in children's publishing, he has edited and developed several collections of books for both school/library and the classroom. Tod holds an MFA from Vermont College.
Page Count
Lexile Measure
Guided Reading Level
Publication date
January 30, 2018
BISAC categories
JNF007000 - Juvenile Nonfiction | Biography & Autobiography | General JNF002000 - Juvenile Nonfiction | Adventure & Adventurers JNF025060 - Juvenile Nonfiction | History | Central & South America
Library of Congress categories
Aircraft accidents Airplane crash survival Peru Koepcke, Juliane
A true classic - great choice!
A Battle for Survival in the Heart of the Rainforest : Lost in the Amazon (Lost #3) Format: Paperback
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A Battle for Survival in the Heart of the Rainforest : Lost in the Amazon (Lost #3)
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