In the small California town of Santa Vista, 8-year-olds Amy, Marion, Liz, and Ellie each have their own distinct personalities and interests, but one thing the girls have in common is a serious love of animals. With the help of an eccentric millionaire and the town vet, the four best friends help found and maintain the Critter Club, a rescue shelter set on saving "lost and lonely" animals. Along the way, the girls encounter and navigate a variety of relatable elementary school experiences.
Callie Barkley loves animals. As a young girl, she dreamed of getting a cat or dog of her own until she discovered she was allergic to most of them. It was around this time that she realized the world was full of all kinds of critters that could use some love. She now lives with her husband and two kids in Connecticut. They share their home with exactly ten fish and a very active ant farm. Tracy Bishop has loved drawing since she was a little girl in Japan. She spends her time illustrating books, reading, and collecting pens. She lives with her husband, son, and hairy dog, named Harry, in San Jose, California.
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The Critter Club Set (Critter Club)
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