Meet Jackie Robinson, first African American to play on a white Major League Baseball team.
Fact-filled Rookie Read-About Biographies introduce the youngest readers to influential women and men, both past and present. Colorful photos and age appropriate text encourage children to read on their own-as they learn about people like Serena Williams, Neil Armstrong, Rosa Parks, Anne Frank and many more.
When Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers he became the first African American to play on a white Major League Baseball team. Read about how Robinson changed the face of baseball when he broke the color barrier and opened the door for the non-white players that followed.
Wil Mara, a lifelong fan of the National Football League, is the author of more than seventy-five books. He has written both fiction and nonfiction, for both children and adults. Aside from his " NFL novels, " he also wrote the 2005 disaster thriller Wave, which won the 2005 New Jersey Notable Book Award.