Adoptar Un Dinosaurio (Spanish Edition)

by José Carlos Andrés (Author) Ana Sanfelippo (Illustrator)

Adoptar Un Dinosaurio (Spanish Edition)
Reading Level: 2nd − 3rd Grade
Series: Somos Ocho
Ali quería una mascota, ¡pero sus padres no esperaban que esa mascota fuera UN DINOSAURIO! Un cuento encantador y humorístico que despierta la imaginación de los niños mientras leen en voz alta. ¡Ven con Kimo, el dinosaurio más dulce de todos, y no pararás de reírte! Después de leer este cuento, ¡también querrás un dinosaurio como mascota!
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Review quotes

The writing is snappy, especially when the dialogue is rendered in large hand-drawn letters ("WOAH, WOAH, WOOAAAHHH THAT'S A DINOSAUR!"), and the art throughout is consistently delightful. Kimo, of course, turns out to be the most adorable-est, cuddliest dino, and when he's covered with licks by his adoring saltasaurus family while a child on a ladder pats one of the parents...let's just say no reader will be able to resist. A Spanish-language edition, Adoptar un dinosaurio, proves just as charming. Humorous without a trace of snark, this Spanish import hatches just right. - Kirkus Reviews
Lexile Measure
Guided Reading Level
Publication date
June 25, 2019
Somos Ocho
BISAC categories
JUV002060 - Juvenile Fiction | Animals | Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures
JUV002190 - Juvenile Fiction | Animals | Pets
JUV051000 - Juvenile Fiction | Imagination & Play
Library of Congress categories
Spanish language materials
Pet adoption
Dinosaurs as pets
Huevos y nidos

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