In 1911, fourteen-year-old Lucy Morelli lives with her parents, older brother, and several youngers siblings in a crowded apartment in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City. Lucy dreams of going to college, but her Italian immigrant family relies heavily on her income from the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory to survive. Lucy finds the factory work boring, but the working conditions are better than many other jobs. But when Lucy and her best friend, Rosie, head to work one Saturday in March, everything changes. Fire breaks out in the factory, and the doors are locked, trapping hundreds of workers inside. Lucy must battle the flames to save her own life -- and Rosie's. Readers can learn the real story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, one of the deadliest industrial disaster's in U.S. history, from the nonfiction backmatter in this Girls Survive story. A glossary, discussion questions, and writing prompts are also provided.
JUV016150 - Juvenile Fiction | Historical | United States - 20th Century JUV001010 - Juvenile Fiction | Action & Adventure | Survival Stories JUV014000 - Juvenile Fiction | Girls & Women
Library of Congress categories
History Immigrants New York (State) New York New York (N.Y.) Survival Historical fiction Fires Italian Americans 1898-1951 Fire, 1911 Clothing factories Triangle Shirtwaist Company Italian American girls
A true classic - great choice!
Lucy Fights the Flames: A Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Survival Story (Girls Survive) Format: Hardcover
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Lucy Fights the Flames: A Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Survival Story (Girls Survive)
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