• Step by Step (Angelina Ballerina)

Step by Step
(Angelina Ballerina)

Helen Craig
Publication Date
May 04, 2021
Genre / Grade Band
Fiction /  K − 1st
Step by Step (Angelina Ballerina)

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Angelina Ballerina teaches her little sister ballet with steps perfect for little dancers to follow along with in this paper over board book with foil on the cover! Angelina is excited to teach her little sister, Polly, how to dance ballet! Angelina starts from the very beginning, showing Polly how to warm up and stretch, then teaching her each ballet position, and then showing her other ballet moves like pliés, arabesques, and grand jetés. The sisters have fun practicing together until Polly is ready for a mini dance recital in their backyard!

(c)2021 Helen Craig Ltd and Katharine Holabird.

The Angelina Ballerina name and character and the dancing Angelina logo are trademarks of HIT Entertainment Limited, Katharine Holabird, and Helen Craig.

Publication date
May 04, 2021
Page Count
Lexile Measure
Guided Reading Level
Simon Spotlight
Angelina Ballerina
BISAC categories
JUV031020 - Juvenile Fiction | Performing Arts | Dance
JUV002180 - Juvenile Fiction | Animals | Mice, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, etc.
JUV027000 - Juvenile Fiction | Media Tie-In
Library of Congress categories
Katharine Holabird
Katharine Holabird grew up in a family of architects and artists in Chicago. As a child, she lived in an imaginary world of fairy tales, princesses, and ballerinas, and loved to perform and dance with her sisters. She wrote the first Angelina Ballerina at the kitchen table with her daughters twirling around her. Katharine has three grown children and three grandchildren, and now lives in New York City with her husband.

Helen Craig has illustrated more than sixty books for children, including the Angelina Ballerina books. She lives in England.
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