• The Upside Down Boy: El Niño de Cabeza (Bilingual English/Spanish)

The Upside Down Boy: El Niño de Cabeza
(Bilingual English/Spanish)

Elizabeth Gomez
Publication Date
January 01, 2007
Genre / Grade Band
Non-fiction /  2nd − 3rd
The Upside Down Boy: El Niño de Cabeza (Bilingual English/Spanish)


Juanito está desconcertado con la nueva escuela y extraña la calidez de la vida en el campo. Todo lo que hace se siente al revés. Almuerza cuando es el recreo; sale a jugar a la hora del almuerzo; y su lengua se siente como una roca cuando trata de hablar inglés. Pero un maestro sensible y una familia amorosa lo ayudan a encontrar su voz y hacerse un lugar en este nuevo mundo a través de la poesía, el arte y la música. El lenguaje lúdico de Juan Felipe Herrera y el colorido y mágico arte de Elizabeth Gómez capturan la experiencia universal de los niños que ingresan a una nueva escuela se sienten extraños en un mundo que al principio parece estar al revés.

Juanito is bewildered by the new school, and he misses the warmth of country life. Everything he does feels upside down. He eats lunch when it's recess; he goes out to play when it's time for lunch; and his tongue feels like a rock when he tries to speak English. But a sensitive teacher and loving family help him to find his voice and make a place for himself in this new world through poetry, art, and music.Juan Felipe Herrera's playful language and the colorful, magical art of Elizabeth Gómez capture the universal experience of children entering a new school feeling like strangers in a world that seems upside down-at first.

Publication date
January 01, 2007
Page Count
Lexile Measure
Guided Reading Level
Children's Book Press (CA)
Rise and Shine
BISAC categories
JNF007050 - Juvenile Nonfiction | Biography & Autobiography | Cultural Heritage
JNF018030 - Juvenile Nonfiction | People & Places | United States - Hispanic/Latino
Library of Congress categories
Childhood and youth
20th century
Spanish language materials
Poets, American
Mexican American poets
Herrera, Juan Felipe
Juan Felipe Herrera
Juan Felipe Herrera is a poet, performance artist, and activist. The son of migrant farmworkers, he was the U.S. Poet Laureate from 2015-2017. He has published more than a dozen collections of poetry and is the author-illustrator of Jabberwalking. He lives in Fresno, California.

Lauren Castillo has illustrated many books for children, including Happy Like Soccer by Maribeth Boelts and Yard Sale by Eve Bunting. Lauren Castillo is also the author-illustrator of the Caldecott Honor-winning book Nana in the City. She lives in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
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Rise and Shine