• Moth & Butterfly: Ta Da!

Moth & Butterfly: Ta Da!

Ana Aranda
Publication Date
June 08, 2021
Genre / Grade Band
Fiction /  K − 1st
Moth & Butterfly: Ta Da!

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Metamorphosis brings astonishing and exciting changes to a pair of caterpillar friends, who take pride in being the same--and different.

Two caterpillar friends love what they have in common--lots of legs and a talent for chewing leaves into funny shapes. And when it's time to build cocoons, they hang theirs side by side. Happy metamorphosis, says an older, more knowledgeable butterfly. And it is a happy metamorphosis indeed--for when the two emerge from their cocoons, they can fly! But so much else has changed--as one is now a moth, who flies by night, and the other is a butterfly, who flies by day. How will things work now?

Fortunately some things never change--like true friends figuring out a way to be together, and happily flying into the sunset and sunrise.

Publication date
June 08, 2021
Page Count
Lexile Measure
Guided Reading Level
Nancy Paulsen Books
BISAC categories
JUV039060 - Juvenile Fiction | Social Themes | Friendship
JUV029000 - Juvenile Fiction | Nature & the Natural World | General
JUV002300 - Juvenile Fiction | Animals | Butterflies, Moths & Caterpillars
Library of Congress categories
Picture books
Differences (Psychology)


A deceptively simple mix of engaging story, appreciation of differences, and introduction to moths and butterflies.
Dev Petty
Dev Petty used to be a painter in movies--such as the Matrix films and others--but now she is the author of many books for children, including I Don't Want to Be a Frog and its companion titles. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Ruth Chan spent her childhood tobogganing in Canada and her teens in China before studying art and education and working with youth and families in underserved communities. She is the author and illustrator of The Alpactory: Ready, Pack, Go! and Thank You, Neighbor! She now writes and illustrates full-time in Brooklyn, New York.