SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE FROM DREAMWORKS!I wish I'd had these books as a kid. Hilarious! -- Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants and Dog ManThey may be scary, they may look bad, but they're...our only hope? Wait, is that right? YES! The Bad Guys are teaming up with some new friends to save the day, maybe even the world!Join the adventure in the five next installments in the bestselling series, now in one even badder box set! Featuring: The Bad Guys in Alien vs The Bad Guys, The Bad Guys in Do-You-Think-He-Saurus?, The Bad Guys in Superbad, The Bad Guys in the Big Bad Wolf, The Bad Guys in the Baddest Day Ever.
Aaron Blabey has written many well-loved, bestselling books for children. He is the creator of three hugely successful series for children -- the New York Times bestselling The Bad Guys, Pig the Pug, and Thelma the Unicorn. The Bad Guys movie released in 2022. It was produced by DreamWorks Animation with Aaron serving as an executive producer on the project.