• Temple Grandin (She Persisted)

Temple Grandin
(She Persisted)

Gillian Flint
Publication Date
April 20, 2022
Genre / Grade Band
Non-fiction /  2nd − 3rd
Temple Grandin (She Persisted)

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Inspired by the #1 New York Times bestseller She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger comes a chapter book series about women who spoke up and rose up against the odds--including Temple Grandin! In this chapter book biography by beloved author Lyn Miller-Lachmann, readers learn about the amazing life of Temple Grandin--and how she persisted.

Temple Grandin is a world-renowned scientist, animal-behavior expert, and autism spokesperson who was able to use her way of thinking and looking at the world to invent and achieve great things! Complete with an introduction from Chelsea Clinton, black-and-white illustrations throughout, and a list of ways that readers can follow in Temple Grandin's footsteps and make a difference! And don't miss out on the rest of the books in the She Persisted series, featuring so many more women who persisted!

Publication date
April 20, 2022
Philomel Books
She Persisted
BISAC categories
JNF007120 - Juvenile Nonfiction | Biography & Autobiography | Women
JNF053180 - Juvenile Nonfiction | Social Topics | Special Needs
Lyn Miller-Lachmann
LYN MILLER-LACHMANN creció en Texas antes de asistir a la Universidad de Princeton. Tiene una maestría en Biblioteconomía y Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad de Wisconsin, en Madison, y una maestría en Bellas Artes en Escritura para niños y jóvenes por el Vermont College of Fine Arts. Ha impartido distintas materias a estudiantes de secundaria y es la autora de Rogue, Surviving Santiago, Gringolandia, y Once Upon a Cuento. Sus libros presentan a menudo personajes del espectro autista, como la propia Lyn. Lyn y su esposo dividen su tiempo entre Nueva York y Lisboa, Portugal.
Other Books In Series:

She Persisted