Reminiscent of Pete the Cat and Llama Llama, Dragonboy begins a new series about a curious, imaginative, playful little boy and his band of lovable stuffed animal friends.
Dragonboy is curious. He is playful, pensive, and kind. More than anything, he is himself: an imaginative little boy who loves to be a dragon. His stuffed animal friends--Darwin, Yellow Kitty, Simon, and Drako--are always by his side as he explores and discovers something new. Because the best part of an adventure is being with the ones who know you best.
The first in a new series, Dragonboy is the friend every child has been waiting for, a little boy full of empathy and joy who's ready to discover anything and everything our wonderful world has to offer.
In this picture book series starter, Dragonboy is a round-headed, white-skinned child who loves to dress up in an impressively detailed dragon suit. Today, he and all his plush toys--a yellow cat, a brown sloth, a gray yeti, and a small green dragon--are heading out on a craft called Adventure. "There's always something waiting for you if your eyes and your mind and your heart are open," says artist Napoleoni's aphoristically inclined narrator. After sailing across a sea, the group frolics on a gently rolling hillside that may remind readers of Teletubbies territory. Encountering a sad unicorn named Karley, they assure her that her supposed deficits ("I'm not magical... And I can't fly") are what make her special. "We are already who we are supposed to be," Dragonboy tells her. "Especially when we are together." While the self-esteem message covers familiar ground, the debut author-illustrator's acrylic-on-wood-panel illustrations have a sweet-natured theatricality (the sea's waves are pointy and layered, like a Victorian stage set) and conjure up a green and sunny world, where even a dark forest of twisty trees looks inviting and there's all the time in the world to count the daisies. Ages 4-8. Agent: Albert Lee, United Talent Agency. (Sept.)
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