Every superhero has their origin story: a radioactive spider bite turns ordinary teen Peter Parker into Spider-Man, wealthy Tony Stark escapes captivity by building his Iron Man suit, scientist Bruce Banner survives gamma rays only to transform into the Hulk. For Stan Lee, it was books of adventure, monsters, and magic that helped him transform from an ordinary boy to a superstar superhero creator.
At first, reading these stories was a pathway to a world bigger than his family's tiny apartment in New York City, but it wasn't long until Stan was crafting his own stories, creating comics professionally when he was still just a teenager! Still, writing wasn't exciting when the heroes were always the same: strong, perfect, and boring. Stan had a revolutionary idea. What if anyone--even an ordinary kid--could be a superhero?
Discover more about the life of the Cameo King, known to many for his appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and how he revolutionized comics with this vibrant introduction bustling with action, humor, and references for fans new and old. 'Nuff said!
Gr 1-4--If "Every hero needs an origin story," Eriksen pens one here for superhero creator Stan Lee. This unauthorized picture book biography explores the early life and later successes of the comics writer, born Stanley Lieber. Many students will recognize the subject and his characters, and the inspiring story will appeal to kids, even though it may seem more legend than real life. The text and illustrations include graphic novel elements, such as speech bubbles and illustrated onomatopoeia, to capture the comic book effect. Gatlin implements a muted palette for the small 1930s New York City apartment of Lieber's immigrant family. As famous comics characters are introduced in the biography, bright reds, greens, and oranges are a contrast to the grays and browns of his days as an errand boy and early career as a writer with the pseudonym Stan Lee. This is a carefully crafted and positive tribute: "You don't need a pair of web shooters or impenetrable skin to stand up for your fellow man...anyone can be a hero, as long as they stand for what's right!" VERDICT This is an engaging and glowing primer on the life and contributions of Stan Lee.--Jamie Jensen, Wayne Cox Elem. Sch., Roanoke, TX
Copyright 2021 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.Annie Hunter Eriksen realized while writing With Great Power: The Marvelous Stan Lee (Page Street Kids) that she, like most people, was overlooking Steve Ditko's role in the Spider-Man origin story, which inspired her to create the biography he deserves (even if he would totally hate the attention). In addition to comics, Annie loves cats, true crime, and running trail races. She lives in a small town in Ohio with her husband, two cats, and a hedgehog.
Lee Gatlin is the illustrator of With Great Power: The Marvelous Stan Lee (Page Street Kids), among other books for kids and many, many comics. Spider-Man has always been his favorite superhero, so he loved drawing the behind-the-scenes on the guy who made Spidey the hero he is. Lee lives with his wife and three children in Georgia.