It might be America's favorite pastime, but baseball isn't just an American sport! From Cuba to Japan, Australia to Italy, a diverse melting pot of countries and cultures have embraced the ole ballgame.
In Baseball Around the World, you'll take a multicultural world tour to meet the nations and players who have pushed baseball to international popularity--with a twist, of course. Find out what they eat at Japanese baseball stadiums, how a gold rush brought baseball to Australia, why South Korean games are allowed to end in a tie, and much more in this home run of a book!
From the introduction: People often think of baseball as an American sport. Terms such as "America's pastime" and the "boys of summer" bring up images of warm summer nights in small towns. Yes, the game we think of--that we know and love--is rooted in the sandlots and Little League fields across the U.S. But baseball is so much bigger. In many ways, baseball really is a world sport.... One of the great things about the game is that it shows people how we are all equal. Baseball is shared all over.... As you read this book and learn about baseball around the world, you'll see just how much the game unifies us. Regardless of our differences, our love for the game of baseball is all the same!