In the newest installment of Jonathan Stutzman and Heather Fox's hilarious Llama series, our favorite doomsday-prone hero has yet another shot at saving the world (and more delicious desserts)...from himself.
Llama just ate a doughnut--the most scrumptious, most sprinkled doughnut in existence--and he needs to eat it again.
The problem? He can't . . . He has already eaten it!
The solution? A pair of time-travel pants, of course!
But when Llama goes way farther back than he intended, the dessert he winds up taking has an owner who's more than willing to travel through time to retrieve it.
Tight narrative pacing, well-timed instances of onomatopoeia, and expressive, cartoonish illustrations make this an engaging read-aloud . . . As silly (and sweet) as a basement full of cake.
Jonathan Stutzman is an award-winning filmmaker and a picture book author. He is the author of Llama Destroys the World, Don't Feed the Coos, Llama Unleashes the Alpacalypse and the Tiny T-Rex series. He received his masters at Temple University for Film & Digital Media. He lives in Lititz, Pennsylvania with his wife, the illustrator Heather Fox.
Heather Fox is an illustrator and graphic designer, creating art in pen and ink, digital, and gouache. She is the illustrator of Llama Destroys the World, Don't Feed the Coos and Llama Unleashes the Alpacalypse. Her art is filled with large quantities of quirk and dashes of whimsy, and she is very passionate about illustrating children's books and traveling the world. She lives in Lititz, Pennsylvania, with her husband, the writer Jonathan Stutzman.