"Owen Davey's popular non-fiction series continues with a lushly illustrated guide to penguins from the Antarctic to tropical climates like beaches, and coastal forests. Stunning illustrations and clear readable text combine to make this large format book about all types of penguins a sure hit with animal-loving patrons."--STARRED REVIEW School Library Journal
"Enough penguin facts to keep even David Attenborough busy." --The Tiny Activist
Did you know that penguins can hold their breath for over half an hour? Or that they can swim four times faster than an Olympic swimmer? And they don't just live in icy Antarctica!
You can find them on sandy beaches in South Africa and other more tropical locations too. Dive into this fascinating illustrated guide to our feathered friends, the penguins. From the tiny fairy penguin that is no bigger than a ruler, to the emperor penguin that is over a meter tall, find out where they live, what they eat and how we can protect them.
K-Gr 4--Stunning illustrations and clear readable text combine to make this large format book about all types of penguins a sure hit with animal-loving patrons. Packed into 40 pages are whimsically titled chapters ("Born this Way," "Ice Ice Baby," and more) that cover penguin facts and fiction. Included is a fascinating spread devoted to penguin feathers, one showing 20 different types of penguins and how they compare in shape and size to an adult human, and a fun section devoted to penguin "awards" (Adélie penguins win for grumpiest and Macaroni penguins for most fashionable). The book ends with information on conservation and what young readers can do to ensure that penguin species thrive. The somewhat sophisticated text is aimed at middle grade readers, but younger children will love the book based on the colorful illustrations alone. The volume includes a table of contents and an index showing the scientific and common names of the penguins. Humans are shown in a variety of skin tones. VERDICT A beautiful book with wide appeal which would be an outstanding addition to any children's collection.--Sue Morgan
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