In the second installment of the Super Turbo graphic novel series, Turbo and the Superpet Superhero League face off with a gang of flying ninja squirrels!
Turbo and his pals in the Superpet Superhero League are in super-big trouble when the flying ninja squirrels that live in the tree outside the school accuse them of stealing their sacred golden acorn! Truth be told, Professor Turtle IS in possession of it--that's why he's been so speedy lately--but he didn't STEAL it! Can the superpets and ninja squirrels work it out and join forces to battle the real evil that's lurking in the shadows of Sunnyview Elementary?
This graphic novel adaptation of the Super Turbo chapter book features fun, bright, full-color panels that bring the story to life better than ever before--but with all the same humor and action that readers have come to expect from Super Turbo!
Gr 1-4--From eating pellets to using the exercise wheel, Turbo the hamster takes his duties as the official classroom pet of Classroom C seriously. But at night, when strange sounds disturb his rest, he dons a pair of green goggles and a cape and becomes Super Turbo to protect the school from wrongdoing. In Saves the Day!, the intrepid hamster creates the Superpet Superhero League (comprised of a gecko, a guinea pig, a bird, a turtle, a goldfish, and a bunny), who stop Whiskerface (a mouse who insists that he's "a big, mean, nasty rat!") from conquering the school and then the world. In Flying Ninja Squirrels, the gang takes a side adventure to learn how to make model volcanoes before helping the ninja squirrels recover their golden acorn from Whiskerface. Costanza's fully colored, action-packed cartoons maximize characters' expressive reactions, with hilarious results. Though fairly low-stakes, the tale is playful and humorous, with Turbo breaking the fourth wall by interacting with an unseen narrator (when the two quibble over whether Turbo's leap through the air is "jumping" or "flying," Turbo stresses, "That was definitely flying!"). VERDICT A fun, straightforward graphic novel series for young readers interested in comical superhero type characters without too much drama.--Amanda Melilli, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas
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