The sounds of nature are being drowned out by the clamor of human activity, and that's not good for people, animals or the environment.
Every living thing emits sound―birds sing, whales whistle, streams burble and trees pop and fizzle. In Listen Up, young readers are introduced to all the sounds of the natural world, from the first Big Bang to the complex soundscapes of the rainforests.
Readers will also discover how the invasion of human sounds, from airplanes, traffic and machines, is threatening the survival of species that have adapted to their habitats over thousands of years. Conserving the sounds of nature is an important part of addressing the biggest challenges facing humanity today―protecting the planet's biodiversity and the future of our natural world.
Stephen Aitken is a biologist, artist and science writer who has been creating children's books for the past 15 years. Stephen's books and articles are inspired by the wonders of the natural world. He has explored the forests, oceans and mountaintops of the world at all times of the day and night. Stephen is the co-founder and executive secretary of the charity Biodiversity Conservancy International and senior editor of the journal Biodiversity. He lives in Ottawa.