Science is for everyone, right?
Unfortunately, that's not always true. Discovery, research and innovation are often top secret, and big businesses charge high prices for that information. The field of open science is trying to change that. It's all about sharing knowledge. Teams of scientists around the world are working together to improve and speed up scientific research and share their results so that everyone benefits.
Open Science: Knowledge for Everyone examines the history of scientific research and how ideas and information are shared and why. It also looks at innovations made using open science, such as treatments for diseases and vaccines to protect against viruses like COVID-19, discoveries that were only possible thanks to the sharing of information. Discover how regular people, including kids, can be citizen scientists and what we all can do to share science and make the world a better place.
The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.
Monique Polak is the author of more than 30 books for young readers. She is a three-time winner of the Quebec Writers' Federation Janet Savage Blachford Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature (formerly called the QWF Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature). She is also an active freelance journalist whose stories appear across the country. She recently retired after a long and happy career teaching English and Humanities at Marianopolis College and now devotes herself to writing full-time. When she isn't at her desk or reading on the couch, you can find her baking cookies or out jogging on the streets of Montreal.
Valéry Goulet is a French Canadian designer, illustrator and design instructor originally from Quebec. With a master's in interaction design from Université Laval, she's worked with global brands and agencies, and her illustrations have garnered attention far and wide. When she's not illustrating, Valéry instructs for the Visual Communication Design program at the University of Alberta and the Bachelor of Design program at MacEwan University. She lives in Edmonton