Inspired by Disney and Pixar's hit film Monsters, Inc., the new Disney+ animated show Monsters at Work follows Tylor Tuskmon, an enthusiastic member of the Monsters, Inc. Facilities Team (MIFT) who dreams of following in the footsteps of his idols--Mike and Sulley--and making his way up to the Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor as a Jokester.
Girls and boys ages 5 to 7 will love this Step 3 Step into Reading leveled reader based on an episode of the show and featuring a poster. Step 3 readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics. For children who are ready to read on their own.
Gr 1-3--This adaptation of the film Monsters, Inc. and its sequel Monsters University is categorized as written for students who have made or are ready to make the transition into independent reading. Regarding those standards, Johnson chose appropriate words that readers at this level will be able to read or decode independently. The number of words per page is also aligned with the expectations set by the Step Into Reading program for a Level 3 book. The vivid and lively digital illustrations are inspired by scenes from the films. Children who are familiar with the movies will enjoy reading this book, as the key story elements match. However, children who are not familiar with the movies will find it difficult going while trying to read independently. For example, the text mentions that the little monsters will be joining a "MIFT group," but nowhere in the text does it explain what this acronym means. For children who have seen the films and can decode the character names, this book may provide a perfect opportunity to begin reading independently. With ample background knowledge, readers can focus on decoding and choosing words to best match their knowledge of plot. VERDICT Readers who have seen the film Monsters, Inc. will be able to find this book enjoyable and make meaning while reading.--Kelly Richards
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