In this latest installment of the popular Mermaids Rock series, Kai and his friends take a trip to the Red Sea and explore a shipwreck--but when a group of divers shows up, will the friends be able to make it back to Mermaids Rock before being discovered?
Kai, Marina, and their friends decide to use the whirlpool at Mermaids Rock to take a trip to the Red Sea. They find a shipwreck, and Kai is enthralled with the human artifacts that they find there. But Coralie is worried that they'll be discovered and urges the group to return home. Then a group of divers arrives at the shipwreck, and the friends find themselves in a tricky situation. Will they be able to return to Mermaids Rock without being seen by the humans?
Join Marina and her mermaid friends in the beautiful coral reef at Mermaids Rock! Whether they're working together to help sea animals in danger or solving a mystery of the deep, the friends at Mermaids Rock will do anything to protect their ocean home and if there is a ripple of adventure, they will find it!
Gr 2-4--In this sixth book in the "Mermaids Rock" series Marina, Naya, Coralie, Luna, and Kia, along with their pet friends, go to the Red Sea for an adventure. Coralie and her friends are on vacation from school and decide to put on a play for their parents based on humans and their behavior. They decide to visit a shipwreck at the Red Sea. They are enthralled by a chest full of wigs and clothes. The group is playing dress-up when they are startled into hiding by four humans diving for scientific research. Wally the whale distracts the humans and drives them away, but one of them looks back and sees them. She follows them but ends up trapped within the unstable ship, and the mermaid group frees her before fleeing. This newest title broaches themes of collaboration and friendship. Sweet illustrations show the expressive mermaids in a range of skin tones and hair types. VERDICT This series continues embodying wonderful themes of diverse characters of merpeople and emphasizes the importance of ocean conservation and marine life exploration.
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