Computers & Digital Media

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How to Explain Coding to a Grown-Up
Tay Goes to STEM Camp
Artificial Intelligence Activity Book (Stem Starters for Kids)
Code Your Own Games!: 20 Games to Create with Scratch (Revised)
The Eye of the Ender (A Noob's Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior #3)
On the News: Our First Talk about Tragedy (World Around Us #2)
Instructions Not Included: How a Team of Women Coded the Future
Mitzi and the Big Bad Nosy Wolf: A Digital Citizenship Story
A Noob's Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior (Noob's Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior #1)
Coding Activity Book (Stem Starters for Kids)
Hello, Robot!: Day-To-Day Life with Artificial Intelligence!
Emerald Box Set (Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior Graphic Novels Set #1-#4)
Silicon (Momentous Materials)
Robots (Steam & Me)
A.I.: How Patterns Helped Artificial Intelligence Defeat World Champion Lee Sedol (Moments in Science #6)
The American Dream (Thea Stilton #33)
You Should Meet: Women Who Launched the Computer Age (Ready to Read: Level Three)
Coding with Basher: Coding with Scratch
Hello, Opportunity: The Story of Our Friend on Mars
How to Talk to Your Computer (Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science 2)
How Do Satellites Stay in Space?: A Book about How Satellites Work (How Do?)
The Mystery in the Computer Game (The Boxcar Children Mysteries #78)
Military Drones and Robots (Amazing Military Machines)