According to decades of research:
• There’s an almost perfect positive correlation between time spent reading and reading test scores;
• Greater reading volume is driven by reader motivation and engagement; and
• Reader motivation and engagement depend heavily on access to highly interesting, personally relevant books.
But to get the benefits of reading, children need books they will actually read. This is a significant pain point for both schools and families, and it’s where Bookelicious excels.
Every book on the Bookelicious site has been hand curated by our curation team, taking into account factors including a book’s quality, popularity, recency, third-party professional reviews and awards. Our curators also strive to ensure that our collection of more than 40,000 titles reflects the diversity of the children living in our communities – creating, in the words of Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop, “mirrors and windows” for children to see themselves as well as learn about others.
Dr. Lorien Hunter (PhD, Cinema & Media Studies, USC) leads a team of curators populated by teachers and librarians with deep knowledge of children’s books, and what children like to read. Each curator is a specialist in her area of curation, focusing on one of our top-level categories, such as “Animals,” “History & Biographies” or “Fantasy & Science Fiction.”
Meet our team of curators here: