And it works! According to educators, before using Bookelicious, only 1/3 of students found it easy to find books they were motivated to read; while using Bookelicious, 3/4 of students found it easy to find books they were motivated to read.

Program Features

Free Subscription For Grades PreK-8
Bookmoji building and custom book recommendations
Personalized student wishlists for at-home/summer reading
Student book reviews (fully moderated) published on the Bookelicious website
24/7 book access via public libraries through WorldCat
Extensive Spanish and bilingual book catalog (1,500+ titles)
Supports Science of Reading implementation and all ELA curriculum programs
  Customizable book catalog aligned to curriculum goals and state standards
  Data aggregation and collection development insights by student, classroom, school, and district
  Easy SSO integration and rostering via Clever Secure Sync or ClassLink
  Professional development programming
  Easy book distribution: shipped to school, boxed by classroom, organized by student
  Customizable add-ons including author events, family engagement, branded totes/bookmarks
  Concierge technical support
  Integrated fundraising program for schools and libraries to acquire books and author events


Program Pricing

Subscription Only

Up to 500 students: $499/school

500+ students: $699/school


Subscription + Books

Subscription fee plus:

No. of students 1 - 500 501 - 2,500 2,501 - 10,000 10,000+
1 book/student $12.75/book $12.50/book $12.25/book $12.00/book
2 books/student $12.55/book $12.25/book $12.00/book $11.75/book
4 books/student $12.00/book $11.75/book $11.50/book $11.25/book


Special pricing available, including discounts for multi-year adoptions for districts and schools.
Funding options include: Title I, Part A, Title II, Part A, Title III, Title IV, Part B, 21st CCLC

“Our district was searching for a way to honor student choice and voice while building home libraries. Working with Bookelicious and their team of experts has allowed us to provide books to our students that are of high interest...They are truly helping us individualize the literacy landscape in Columbus City Schools.”


— Kelly Rivers, Executive Director of Literacy and Early Childhood & Jennifer Ey, Director of Literacy, Columbus City Schools

Bookelicious is booking Bookmoji Plus programs for Spring, Summer, and Fall 2025

Book Your Bookmoji Plus!

Questions? Please contact Jeanette Salgado at

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